Park Complete but No Lease yet!
The park is complete as of 15th December 2023. Which means come 15th December 2024 I will have to start to pay rent. This first year free was meant to give businesses time to build out their business infrastructure without having the extra expense. Great idea, much appreciated! However, in order to get my plans…
Could This be the Year?!
On Friday 5th January 2024 I received an email from e TecK with an attachment for PPIE’s final approval! This was dated 15th December 2023 which means my lease is apparently now active as of 15th December 2023. Could this be the year that everything finally falls into place? I have been fighting up with…
Confused (and Dazed)
On 29th September 2023 I received e TecK’s Tenant eBits-August/September 2023 in which it was stated: e TecK’s Phoenix Park Industrial Estate is Opening Soon! e TecK’s Phoenix Park Industrial Estate is 98% complete and it is anticipated that it will be officially opened in October 2023! Yet here we are on 11th December 2023…
Still waiting on PPIE
Sigh, we are still waiting on eTecK to have PPIE completed. I have been told that they are in the process of reviewing all the work done before signing off with the contractor. Once again, we are hoping that by the end of the year (December 2023) we will be given access to land. Currently…
Building Delivery!
We took delivery of our pre-fabricated building yesterday. It arrived in Trinidad at the port of Pt Lisas on 24th March 2023. Customs decided they wanted to put it into their Container Examination System on 31st March but it was dealt with quite quickly and released on 3rd April. Unfortunately we had tried to time…
Site Visit March 2023
Got to take my Architect on site to review things as we are preparing the Outline approval application for Town and Country Planning. Roads are being paved! Water, Natural Gas, electricity and Telecoms have been run throughout the park. Was told that everything should be completed in mid April 2023. Some issues arose: a transformer…
Delayed again
Sure enough, I just heard from eTeck that the park is now delayed until March 2023. Good thing I’m not holding my breath! We have however been getting our outline approval application put together and have purchased the pre-fab structure that is going to house the brewery. We are heading into a very busy time!
Site Visit 2022-09-27
We got to do a site visit today! We were able to drive into the site on dirt roads and view the progress. Water, natural gas and sewerage are in place. Electricity and communications are still to be implemented. They estimate early January they will be complete. I’m not sure I believe that 🙂
Delayed again
I spoke to e TecK this week and they confirmed that they do not expect the site to be completed until the end of 2022. After that they anticipate 3 months to get approvals for the site. So at best I’m looking at April 2023 before I can even start to build.
Slowly, slowly. Slowly getting faster (hopefully!)
Phoenix Park Industrial Estate is almost complete. We’ve been told we can do a site visit this month (July 2022) and that the park will be complete in August. Still not clear on when we will be given access to the site so we can start construction.